Kumaoni Architecture

Kumaoni Architecture

One of the great pleasures of being near cultural centers like Almora and Jageshwar is to see Kumaoni architecture of the olden days still preserved in the towns and villages nearby.

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Your post here

Kumaon is different things to different people. Some call this place their home. Some love the quiet and respite it provides. Some love the food. Others love the architecture of Kumaon. If you’d like to write about your experience Shitlakhet, or about Kumaoni Architecture or Food or Language, let us […]

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The road to being a potter

The road to being a potter

I am an artist who has been working with mediums like pen & ink, watercolor and acrylics, and mixed media. In 2002 I completed an Art Appreciation course under Dr. Alka Pande. And in 2016 I started working with clay. It’s been an amazing journey from 2D to 3D medium. […]

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Monsoons at Nayalap

Monsoons at Nayalap

Like with the rest of the country, the mountains heave a sigh of relief when the monsoons arrive. There is an immediate layer of green – a coldness in the air, a fog to add to the mystery and the sound of cicadas signalling the beginning and the end of […]

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Spring at Nayalap

Spring at Nayalap

India has two major seasons with a week of autumn and spring in between. It’s only in the Himalayas and especially around this region of Shitlakhet and Salla Rautela that you get to see the beauty of spring. As winters recede, the days become warmer and you need to wear […]

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Keeping Nayalap wild

Keeping Nayalap wild

While I write this, it has been more than 6 years since Nayalap was started. During this time, there have been those who have loved staying in the middle of the forest. There have been others who have asked us about keeping in wild. Many would have preferred manicured lawns. […]

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Kumaoni Desserts

Kumaoni Desserts

Kumaon has a beautifully sweet side and one that is made with great care. While a lot has been said and written about Kumaoni cuisine, the sweet tooth in most of us craves for local desserts – for the rush of sugar tempered down by the carbs of flour or […]

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The village organics

The village organics

When moving to the village near Shitlakhet, we were excited about growing some produce. The idea of living in a clean environment and growing chemical-free food was of great interest to us. After 2 years, we finally have some success and many hard lessons learnt. The land was barren for […]

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"Red Rhododendron" by Jennifer C. is licensed under CC BY 2.0

A Scarlet Adventure

A Scarlet Adventure Uttarakhand is famous for its rhododendrons, which begin to bloom in the month of February and was my scarlet adventure. Taking a cue from the monkeys that love eating the flowers of this fruit, many have tried the juice of this flower. But a dish to be […]

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A village startup

A village startup

The only TG that exists in India If the years from 2015-18 have shown anything, it is that everyone wants a pie of the Indian middle class. Said to be a strength of more than 250 million, it is the darling of almost every startup in India and a place […]

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