Meet the team

The team at Nayalap hails from within 5km of the 2 Nayalap properties. They have been working together since Nayalap started and we couldn’t be more proud of them.


The story of food in Kumaon is one of community, of trials, tribulations and victories.

Here in Shitlakhet – a land of farms, orchards and villages, growing and harvesting food is a family affair – whether that be in the milk that goes in the tea, or the Barley that is given to the Gods.

Does this food from the mountains, these recipes from homes, translate to a great experience for visitors? That question still keeps Prem on his toes when he cooks for his guests.


Since Colonial times, the villages and forests around Nayalap have been streaked with different trails – through forests and joining villages.

What were thoroughfares earlier are now great hiking and walking trails. Every season and every path is different and this makes for great variety while exploring.

However, walking in the winter is a different experience altogether. With the sun on your back and under the watchful gaze of Nanda Devi, you explore walnut groves, lemon and Tangerine orchards, and wild cherry blossoms before returning and retiring to the bonfire at Nayalap.

Walking makes Nayalap unique. It’s a personal favorite activity of Tanuja’s and one that she loves indulging guests in.


In a life where we are all constantly migrating for education, work, or love, returning home is a luxury in itself.

Home is family. Home is tending to the farms and the livestock. Home is an evening filled with the laughter of loved ones. Home is watching the sunset with your partner.

For Chandan, guests at Nayalap are almost like family. The warmth of a Pahadi home is translated into the comfort that Nayalap, its rooms, and its food provide.

So come home this winter. Experience the best of Pahadi living and some awe-inspiring glamping.